First Online Worship!
If you missed our first online worship, or just want to re-experience it, you can view a recording here!
If you missed our first online worship, or just want to re-experience it, you can view a recording here!
Ministry Fulfillment’s goal is to have everyone participate at least once in a three month period. Participation in service, fellowship, Sunday school, and outreach opportunities not only strengthens our church community, but it is a wonderful way to enhance your own experience at TCC. When you participate, you connect with others in new and meaningful […]
Check out our great new slide show!
It’s time! Please sign up for a quick photo session. In-person sign-ups will be in the Round Room on Sunday June 4. Online sign-ups are now available on weekdays. Sittings will be held on June 23 & 24. All members and regular attendees are encouraged to participate. The link is below – please call Lisa […]
Tim Hare has invited you to join their team of hunger fighters, “Trumbull Congregational Church ” for the Bridgeport, CT CROP Hunger Walk. Simply copy and paste the following URL into your web browser to sign up: Here is Tim ‘s message to you: Hi everyone, I hope that I have successfully created a […]
Good Friday: A candlelight service of readings and music will recall the suffering and death of Christ. Please join us at 7pm on April 14. Scripture and song will lead us through the story, and as we approach Christ’s death candles will be extinguished until we are in utter darkness. Choral pieces, congregational singing, and […]
Maundy Thursday: Members of TCC will join our brothers and sisters at 7pm on April 13 at Unity Hill as we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist and proclaim Christ’s new commandment that we, “love one another as he has loved us.”
Friends, Please join us tonight in the Round Room from 7-7:30 for Taize prayer, which offers us a beautiful opportunity to connect with God through meditative singing, scripture reading, and silence. From 6-7 Ilana will lead rehearsal for all who wish to sing with the choir in our Good Friday service on April 14. Our […]
The Trumbull Congregational Church Christian Education program recently raised $1,700 for Heifer International, a 70 year old charity which helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to impoverished areas around the world. Read more on Trumbull Patch
“For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.” – 1 Cor. 15:3-4 That one phrase: “Christ died […]