Friends, Please join us tonight in the Round Room from 7-7:30 for Taize prayer, which offers us a beautiful opportunity to connect with God through meditative singing, scripture reading, and silence. From 6-7 Ilana will lead rehearsal for all who wish to sing with the choir in our Good Friday service on April 14. Our worship on Good Friday will recall the passion and death of Christ through scripture and special music, which will include congregational singing, choral pieces, and special solos. As the story unfolds and we approach Christ’s death candles will be extinguished until we are in utter darkness. The sacrifice that we recall on Good Friday is matched by the joy of resurrection that we celebrate on Easter Sunday. (Can’t wait to welcome back Brian Nichols and his brass trio for worship on Easter!)
What’s Happening at TCC !!
On another note, the lectionary has been focusing on the Gospel of John, the purpose of which is summarized in 20:31 and echoed throughout: “These things are written so that you may come to believe.” The question that my colleagues discussed at lectionary group was, “What makes belief possible?” My answer to that question is community – meaningful, faith-based community – which is one of the reasons that I’m asking you to share a written “God moment” (testimony) with me. As we share these God moments our sense of community will grow! I sent out an example previously and will provide additional hard copies in the narthex for Sunday’s service to help get your thoughts flowing. Please send me your testimonies by Easter. I’m looking forward to having a book of them to share with one another (and with visitors.)
The Council of Churches is hosting a “Spring Fling” fundraiser at the Downtown Cabaret on May 4. The show is “In the Heights” and tickets are $75. TCC is showing our support for the Council’s ministries by putting a few tables together. If you would like to buy a ticket please see Caroly Gibson.
Are you still with me? …Stewardship is making available 20 copies of Henri Nouwen’s book, “A Spirituality of Fundraising.” Please stop by our lending library on Sunday morning. Nouwen says that fundraising for the church is as spiritual as prayer, and service, and worship because it is about empowering beautiful ministry and embodying the kingdom of God in the world. We hope everyone in the church will take 30 minutes to read this tiny book in preparation for a TCC night of felowship and discussion on Sat. June 10. Please save the date!
Finally, as Holy Week approaches please keep in mind that our services offer great opportunities for you to share your church with others. Please invite others!